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OCR: REPRESENTATIVE TESTING TOOLS For more information about a particular product, circle the corresponding reader service number on the reader service card located elsewhere in this issue. Compiled by Products Editor Deborah Melewski. Company Circle Number Product Comment Company Cirdie Number Product Comment Auto Terter Inc. AutoTester OS/2, Windows, NT; Performance 225 preVue-X Unix stress/load; Dallas, TX capture, replay Awareness regression test 201 Distributed Stress/Toad test for dis- Raleigh, NC Test Facility tributed client/server applications Performance 226 V-Test Unix; OpenVMS; multiuser Windows; test case Software rest; regression, load/ Bender & 202 Softtest Newburyport, MA stress Associates design, analysis Larkspur, CA Performrix Inc./Pure 227 Empower Windows, DOS, NT, Unix; McLean, VA load test for client/server Cayenne Software 203 Ensemble Unix test case gener- Test ation; metrics; for C. Promark Inc. 228 Rhobot/Client - Unbe stress test for client/ Burlington, Mess 204 ObjectTeam Unic test, simulation; Parsippany, NJ Serve server Sim analyzes C, C+ + code 229 Rhobot/Classic Windows, NT, MVS, VM; CenterLine Software 205 QC/Replay Unix, Gul capture, replay: Unix OpenVMS: stress, regression, multiuser Cambridge, MA 206 QC/Coverage regression, stress/load test Unix measures test Pure Software 230 PureVision Sun Solaris; remote test; coverage Sunnyvale. CA. multiuser test 207 QC/SIM Unix simulates test 231 PureCoverage Unix; test coverage analysis conditions 232 PureTest Expert Unixe regression, applica- 208 TestCenter Unix detects runtime tion logic testing errors, memory leaks 233 Quantify Unix; performance test 234 Purify Unix; Windows, NT; Compwwire Corp. 209 DataXpert OS/2: Sun Solaris: client checks runtime errors, Farmington Hills, MI server application testing memory leaks 210 Xpediter+ MVS: 05/2: test, debug, code analysis Quality Engineering 235 QES Architect DOS, Windows, OS/2; 211 Playback MVS. VSE, Windows; Unix; Software MVS, Unix, VMS; multi- stress/load testing E. Hartford, CT user regression, stress 212 Oliver Online test/ debug for CICS and requirements 213 QA Director Windows; test case 236 QES EZ for GUI Windows, OS/2; regres- management sion, application logic Direct Technology 214 Automator Windows, MVS, VM, VSE. Segue Software 237 QA Partner New York, NY 05/400; OpenVMS; Unix; Newton Centre, MA DOS, Windows, 05/2; QACenter QA Planner Unix; Mac; cross-platform multiuser testing GUI test; script generation Eastern Systems 215 The Evaluator FC-based: OS-indepen- Softbrider Inc. 238 Automated Inc. dent regression, stress/ Cambridge, MA. Test Facility Windows, NT, DOS 06/2, 3270 emulators; Westborough, MA loading test regression, stress, 216 TestDesigner; Clent/server regression, GUI/application test TestPlanner benchmarking. load. Software Quality 239 SQA Robot Windows; regression, compatibility test with Automation stress, object testing network support Woburn, MA 240 SQA LoadTest Windows; load testing Geodesic Systems 217 Great Circle Memory management, Software 241 STW/Regression Windows, NT, DOS, OS/2; Chicago, IL fixes memory bugs, for Rescarch Inc. Unic regression test; MS Visual C++ San Francisco, CA test management IDE 218 StP/T Unix; regression, stress, 242 STW/Coverage Windows, NT, DOS, OS/2; San Francisco, CA application logic test Unbc compiler-level error check; test coverage Mercury 219 XRunner Unix; 05/2; VMS; cross- 243 STW/Web Performance/response Interactive Corp. Sunnyvale, CA platform regression, time test for the Web 220 WinRunner stress/load testing Windows NT; regression, Sterling Software 244 KEY: TestPro Windows, DOS, OS/2, stress/load test Atlanta, GA. MVS, VM, VSE; VMS, Unix; 221 LoadRunner Unix; VMS; multiuser stress/load test simulation, performance Vermont Creative 245 Vermont High- Windows, NT; regression measurement Software Test test 222 LoadRunner XL Unic VMS; test performance Richford, VT 246 Vermont Test 247 Vermont Test/ DO5; record/playback under peak conditions DOS-based; test other Microsoft Corp. 223 Microsoft Test Tests MS-Windows Terminal platforms via Ascii Redmond, WA for Windows applications Terminal Nu-Mega 224 Bounds Checker DOS, Windows, NT; bug, Vinsof Inc. 248 Via/SmartTest MVS; source-level test, Technologies error detection Phoenix, AZ debug Nashua, NH